Friday, March 11, 2011

Game Kart Halo Reach Tournament

Game Kart will be at the Overland Park Soccer Complex Saturday March 12th and Sunday March 13th from 8 AM - Noon for a Halo Reach Tournament.  Contestants will have the chance to win a Game Kart party.  See us a the event for details.

More On BulletStorm Epic Edition

The more we play BulletStorm the more we enjoy it.  There are settings to turn down the language and gore.  It is playable and challenging for game players different skill levels.  The causual gamer and play and enjoy BulletStorm with it set to an easier level.  The Chapters allow you to re-start after you lose without starting all the way over.

We still really enjoy the sound and rumbles with this game in Game Kart.  You need to experience it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Game Kart Mobile Video Game YouTube Channel

Check out new videos on the Game Kart Mobile Video Game Theater YouTube Channel.  We have posted some game play videos of the new BulletStorm Epic Edition.